Coronavirus has undoubtedly impacted all our professional and private lives and the recruitment industry has not been immune. We have had to adapt our working practices to stay safe during the pandemic and our clients and candidates have had to do the same. It will be interesting to see how many of these new procedures will stay in place when we can all move freely again. Can meeting someone face to face really be replaced and will we see a candidate driven market again?
How are we coping with the new way of working?
Whilst Compass Point Recruitment has very much been open for business as normal throughout this period, we have been working from home relying on technology more than ever to get the job done! Previously we have always been predominantly office based with the team element at the forefront – physically seeing each other every day and all the big personalities, voices and laughs that go with it!
Working from home and not being in the same place has been a huge shift and as with so many organisations Zoom calls and Whatsapp messages have been invaluable and, for some, a lifeline.
Is the Flexi working going to be the "new normal"?
We have installed screens in our offices so we can confidently safely interview candidates face to face along with stringent hygiene policies to ensure everyone is stays safe.
Is it a Candidate or Job Driven Market?
Prior to the Pandemic the recruitment industry had been working in a candidate driven market for a long time. Candidates usually had at least 2 opportunities on the table to “pick” from and collaborative recruitment, benefits packages and onboarding procedures were key for companies to secure the best talent. Undoubtedly the Pandemic has shifted the market and we are currently now in a job driven market.
In some industry sectors, such as accounting, industrial and engineering, candidates are going to have to work harder to secure new roles with less opportunities out there and more competition than ever. That said, it would be wrong for companies to rest on their laurels. During the lockdown period individuals have had time to reassess their lives to see what is important to them. It has been proven that you can successfully work from home – even being more productive without the inevitable interruptions and distractions being in office environment provides!
Employers are being scrutinised
We are finding a number of candidates are scrutinising their employers in how they have managed the pandemic, their communication levels and the support and guidance offered to them during these unprecedented times
Mental Health is something people are more aware of than ever and flexible working opportunities offering a better work/life balance is a hot topic and an essential consideration when trying to secure your new team member
The New Normal
Our “new normal” is mirrored in how the recruitment process for our clients has had to change during the pandemic.
Video conferencing interviews have been invaluable for some of our clients, who, busier than ever, have continued with their interview process virtually, reducing on-site visits. Aside from the odd IT glitch, this has generally worked very well and has proven to be a very efficient screening process. With the added advantage of reducing the carbon footprint! There are clearly many advantages to virtual interviews – will this continue to be the new normal?
If interviews have taken place in person, to ensure everyone’s safety, we have found that clients implemented a variety of measures including temperature checking candidates on arrival, ensuring hand sanitiser is available at the entrance to the building, adhering to social distancing rules, having different entry and exit points to the building and wearing masks to stay safe. What has been imperative is communicating these procedures to candidates beforehand to ensure there are no surprises on arrival and everyone is prepared.
At Compass Point Recruitment we still feel it is important to get a full brief from our candidates, face to face, and believe there really is nothing that beats a face to face meeting. In the latter stages of interview this gives the best indication of the all-important culture and team fit. Perhaps in time even we will reassess that! Only time will tell if remote recruitment will enable our clients and candidates to still get the same level of support and intuition that they receive following a face to face meeting.
Only time will tell…………