Virtual Interviews and how to get them right!
As we move forward in the work place and adapt our recruitment methods following Covid-19, we have found at Compass Point Recruitment that our clients are exploring new technologies to utilise in their on-boarding processes. It is becoming more and more convenient for businesses to use virtual/online interview methods as a starting point for bringing new members into their team.
There are many pros to this new way of interviewing however for a lot of candidates this can be daunting! It is important you prepare for such an interview and know what to expect. If like many of us during ‘lockdown’, you kept in touch with friends, family and work colleagues by using popular virtual video platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype, you will have a head start when it comes to using these for professional purposes.
If you aren’t so familiar with video calling, here are a few tips for you when preparing for an online video call interview:
- Test your Method of Video Calling
Ensure you are familiar with how the software you are using works, Do you know how to operate the microphone, camera and is your internet connection is suitable? A good ideal would be to schedule a test call with a friend or family member, so you can resolve any issues your end, beforehand. Make sure you have someone tech savvy around to point you in the right direction if you are unsure!
- Practice your Video Call Technique!
Once you know that your equipment and software are up to the task, you need to get yourself ready too! It is important that you practice how you come across over a video call, after all – this isn’t your family zoom quiz on a Friday night! Ensure you are smart in your appearance, no PJ’s for this one unfortunately. It is also still as important as ever that you give good eye contact, despite not being physically in front of the hiring manager, they will be looking for confidence during your interview. Remember to relax your body language and smile and nod clearly when the interviewer speaks. Also remember that video calling can sometimes have a delay, so be sure to speak slowly and clearly and wait for questions and responses to be finished fully before proceeding to answer.
- Choose a Suitable Location
Usually, this would not be an issue as you would be attending the interview at the company you are looking to join, however in this case, it is happening in your home! Think about where to best place yourself, find somewhere quiet with an appropriate backdrop, suitable lighting and no distractions (other people in the house, pets, TV etc.). Again this is something you can test when you trial with a family member or friend.
- Be Prepared
Make sure you have everything with you before your interview, like a notepad, pen and a copy of your CV/job description. You don’t want to have to get up and leave the room during the call; after all, you wouldn’t do this in a face to face interview! Ensure you have prepared for your interview with suitable questions as you would do usually. You can make reference to all of these during your video call, but do try not to divert your attention to these too often. Eye contact and body language are still important!
- Finishing up…
When your interview begins to come to a close, make sure you have asked all of the prepared questions you may have. Ask the interviewer what the next steps are and when you should expect to hear from them again. They may be planning next stage interviews to be on site, so you may wish to ask what steps they have taken with Covid-19 and let them know if you are happy to meet in person. It is always good to follow up with an email to the employer, thanking them for taking the time to interview you and let them know you look forward to speaking again.
- Discuss the backup plan!
As we all know with technology, it isn’t fool proof! Things happen and sometimes it doesn’t always run smoothly, that’s why businesses pay ££’s each year for IT Support! Prior to your Video Call, discuss with the interviewer what your plan is it the technology fails, maybe you might look to reschedule or opt for a more simple telephone interview instead. Ensure you have your mobile available but on silent should this situation occur. Just remember to remain professional, apologise for the issues and resolve them as quickly as possible, if the issues are your end of course!
Over the last few months, we at Compass Point Recruitment have been seeking our new normal as a team but also supporting our clients in doing the same. Yes, unemployment is high, BUT businesses ARE recruiting! We are always on hand to speak to businesses and candidates looking to discuss recruitment during these unprecedented times, so if you need any advice or support, get in touch!
If you have managed to bag yourself an ‘old fashioned, face to face interview’ we have some top tips for these interviews too! See ‘How to Ace your Interview’ on our Blogs page. https://www.compasspoint.co.uk/blog/2019/10/how-to-ace-your-job-interview
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