Creating a top class LinkedIn Profile doesn’t need to be difficult, but you do need to stand out! As the world’s largest professional network platform with over 774 million members in more than 200 countries worldwide, it can’t be that hard to get noticed right?
Now we aren’t saying you need to be noticed by every member on the planet, but you do need to get noticed by the people who will matter in YOUR network! Whether you are Project Manager looking for your next role in a construction business or a Sales Executive looking to secure a Business Development role in the telecommunications world, it is crucial you are hitting all the right marks with your profile!
Here are some things for you to consider in order to get noticed…
A photo speaks a thousand words!
You are likely to get little to no interaction without a photo, so brush off that Kodak camera and get snapping! First impressions matter and having a professional and appropriate photo is so important. It also doesn’t always have to be a standard head shot. If you have a physical profession, such as an Engineer, you could consider a photo of you out in the field. Whatever your profession, ensure you are opting for a photo that compliments your industry. Make sure whatever photo you chose is clear and you are easily identifiable.
LinkedIn also gives you the option to choose a background image, which is a great opportunity to demonstrate your chosen industry, brand or profession. Whether you chose to put up an image that is linked to your current employer, or if you are seeking work you could look at creating your own banner. There are a number of sites which offer images and templates such as ‘Canva’ to help you create something great! Don’t miss out on another way to stand out!
What is it you do again?
Your headline needs to sell you in! Yes you could just put your job title – “Paige O’Connell – Recruitment Consultant”… that works doesn’t it? OR you could step it up a gear by putting “Paige O’Connell – Principal Consultant – Specialising in Sales & Office Recruitment across East Anglia by pointing professionals in the right direction!”
This is another opportunity for you to let people know why you are different and why relevant professionals in your industry should visit your profile and send you a connection! You have 120 characters to tell people why you are great – use them!
Tell me more!
This is a chance for you to elaborate further on your experience and career history. You can spin this a few ways depending on how you want to come across to your network. If you are a professional, wanting to extend your network for the benefit of your current job role, e.g., you work for an accounting business that specialise in SMEs and are wanting to connect with local SMEs, you would describe your job role and a bit about the company you work for and what they can offer a business.
If you are in the market for a new opportunity and looking for work, you can speak about your career history, your strengths and what you could bring to your next employer. Think of it as an introduction to your CV! Make sure your contact details are also on there somewhere so you can be reached!
Either way your personality needs to be present, let your network know how you are different and why they should choose to connect with you! Be sure to make it relevant to your industry!
What did I do well?
We all like to be told we are good at our job, but getting someone to leave you a review or endorse you on LinkedIn is better! Reach out to old colleagues and employers and ask them to say nice things about you on your profile! If you are reaching out directly to hiring managers, this will help your cause and strengthen your case on why they should connect with you.
There are options on LinkedIn for connections to endorse you based on your abilities in tools and technologies, industry knowledge but also your interpersonal skills – all of which would be relevant to a profession in some way!
Some people find it easy to shout about themselves and talk themselves up, but what really hits home is when someone else does it for you!
Are you sure you want to share that?
Although LinkedIn is a professional platform, it can sometimes feel very much like informal social media, which is a slippery slope! Getting your personality across to your network is very important, especially when it comes to making sure your culture and values match that of those you are looking to connect with, however it is about hitting the right mark with your content to do that professionally.
As you start to grow your network with professionals in your industry, your feed will hopefully start to fill with relevant posts and information for you to comment, like and share! This will get your name out there and show people you are expert in your field which can only ever be a positive thing! Don’t be afraid to engage in conversations and join the debate! You never know where it could lead you and who you may meet along the way!
Don’t forget to hashtag too!