COP26 – Which action has prompted change?
Following the excellent result from the COP26 meeting in Glasgow this month, with the increase of commitment from the countries that attended and pledged to decrease their carbon footprint, I have been thinking on: Which action brought about outcome?
Was it the fact the meetings were so heavily publicised on all the news & various social media platforms? Has that inspired organisations to investigate their products and services to see where they can make commercially viable, but planet aware decisions? Was there a concern that their competitors may announce a planet friendly product that their customers would be swayed to buy elsewhere?
From my perspective, the publicity, mainly on television has prompted me to review both my business and my private carbon footprint, although being planet aware is always a thought.
Discussing as a business how we can make changes and inputting definite actions and adding to my companies’ quarterly objectives has become a result of COP26.
To help me on this journey, I found the following links helpful:
For my podcaster listeners, I’d recommend’ The Real Story – Our Planet now: COP26’
Following COP26 and the push to become more eco-friendly, Compass Point Recruitment has also pledged to commit to the following:
Reducing disposable plastic by buying large cleaning products in large containers and decanting
Ensuring any paper products purchased are from recyclable sources – this sounds simple, but when working in a busy environment it can become a quick fix to pop up the road and buy the stationery we require rather than setting clear monthly / quarterly objectives to source online
We have various recycling bins in the office to support with the waste going into landfill
Our corporate gifts are recyclable coffee mugs that clients can use time and time again, therefore reducing paper waste
We are all making a concerted effort to turn lights off around the office when rooms are not occupied - it really is the simple changes that make all the difference!
It isn’t just in the work place where we can make these changes. As a family we have taken a pledge to try and buy local, in a bid to reduce the carbon footprint created by shipping, therefore answering my point above, that the level of publicity has actually changed my buying psychology.
All light bulbs in our house have been changed to energy saving, although this has resulted in me needing to buy a new chandelier as they aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing!
I have also made the decision to go electric! So my next vehicle will be 100% electric when switching from my hybrid car!
The recent speeches made by David Attleborough & Greta Thunburg were certainly awe inspiring! David Attleborough has such a considered, motivating approach which filled me with optimism that we aren’t too late to make a difference to the planet and everyone, however small, can support with this!
I certainly feel these behind the scenes meetings at COP26 have contributed to the range of successes and really only time will tell if these changes can save our planet! Leaders that are building relationships to contribute to the global commitments will hopefully go some way in reducing climate change and saving the future of our children!