Five mistakes Hiring Managers make!
1. Thinking one size fits all!
Recruitment is a tough game. It’s diverse and it most definitely has its challenges. However, what we learn from recruitment is that we are all different and unique in our own way. By saying this, you would assume that when a Hiring Manager meets a candidate, they adapt to ensure the most is being extracted from the potential employee, wouldn’t you? But you would be wrong! Often, the same questions are being asked, the same structure followed, which leads to the same outcomes with candidates not being sold on the role, business or hiring manager! It is important to adapt interview techniques to get the best from your candidates but also to sell your business the best way!
2. Not providing feedback!
“We do not feel the candidate is what we are looking for”
As consultants we understand the importance of providing feedback to our candidates, as really it is just courtesy! We spend time at the beginning of the process understanding what you are looking for and the correct cultural fit, so when a candidate feels they are ticking all your boxes and the interview has gone well, they would like feedback if that hasn’t been received in the same way from the client perspective! It is imperative for candidates to have feedback so that they can learn from the process too. Feedback is vital for personal growth and building relationships. Afterall, it is just good manners!
3. Look beyond the CV!
TALK to the candidate. A CV is very two dimensional, it only tells you part of the story and whilst skill set is important, the interview process is a real opportunity to find out if the person in front of you fits your culture and team fit for the long term. It also is an opportunity for that candidate to make sure you are a fit for them too. Don’t forget they are interviewing you too!
4. Full disclosure!
Hiring Managers are often reluctant to put a salary in the job description and as consultants we are always coming up against this with our clients! Would you buy a car if you didn’t know the price? Would you arrange a viewing on a house without knowing whether it is in your budget? We would bet not! As both parties would see it, attending an interview for a job that isn’t paying the right salary for you, is a waste of your time and the candidates, so it is always better to advertise it or at least discuss this upfront!
5. Being late or unprepared for an interview
Be prepared and organised when you are interviewing/hiring. This candidate is potentially going to be with you for a long time and should be there as a growing asset to your business. Not being prepared could potentially draw a candidate away from you. People often think that candidates are the ones that need to make a first impression but in fact it’s the hiring managers responsibility just as much! As we’re now in 2022 and still in a candidate led market, the number of workers comfortably outweighs the number of vacancies therefore, businesses need to do their part to ensure they are the number one choice for a potential candidate. This can easily be done by; reading the candidates CV, preparing questions, creating an interview itinerary and being on time with a professional and approachable attitude!